
Career Services at A-B Tech

Contact career services at careerservices@abtech.edu or (828) 398-7209

  • Do you need help deciding what major to pursue or what training is best for you?
  • Are you curious about what others in the field get paid?
  • Are you concerned about job security or losing/finding a job?
  • Do you need help with your resume and cover letter?
  • Do you need professional clothes for an interview?

Let us help! Schedule your appointment today!

Services are for current students or those wanting to start at A-B Tech.

If you are not planning to 91°µÍø at A-B Tech, we encourage you to contact NC Works at (828) 251-6200.

You can also email careerservices@abtech.edu or call (828) 398-7209 for assistance or questions.