
Jason Anthony Boucher Named as 2024 Academic Excellence Award Winner

Boucher was honored recently at the spring awards ceremony. Only one student from each of the 58 state community colleges receives this award. To qualify for the award a student must be currently enrolled, have completed at least 12 semester hours of an associate degree program, and have a cumulative GPA of no less than 3.25.

Boucher made the following statement about his nomination:

The path to academic success is a journey marked by challenges that test one's determination and resilience. In my case, the support of family, friends, and my community has been instrumental in empowering me to resume my education as a nontraditional student. Overcoming my biggest challenge—an ongoing battle with mental illness since my teenage years—needed not only personal strength but also the encouragement of those around me. This internal struggle led to my withdrawal from college in 2000, but a turning point came when I saw the struggles of my friends' teenage children facing severe mental health issues. This inspired my return to college in 2023 with a clear goal: to gain the knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact on those dealing with mental health challenges.

My experiences at A-B Tech extend beyond the valuable education provided in the classroom, from engaging in extracurricular activities and volunteering to earning my mental health first aid certification. Memberships in honor societies, along with scholarships earned, show my commitment to helping others and fostering stronger community connections, and my future aspirations of contributing meaningfully to my community through providing aid to those suffering from mental illness.

Nominated by Michele Hathcock, Director, Title IX Compliance and Student Life Development

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