
SOARing to New Heights: SOAR Students Earn Continuing Ed Certificate

On February 1 an amazing group of students in A-B Tech’s Successful Occupational Achievement Readiness (SOAR) program completed their first Job Preparedness Skills (HRD) class called Working Smart.

Working Smart helped students to learn about employer expectations, workplace ethics, accountability, communication, and problem-solving. The class enjoyed small and large group activities, role playing scenarios, exploring what-if situations, and a presentation by Human Resources Development Coordinator Marie Eller who spoke on Work Ethics: Employer Expectations and Code Switching. Eller focused on the difference between written and unwritten rules at work and how they are equally important. She also spoke about code switching, the act of changing our behaviors at work versus at home and the importance of learning to adapt between the two different environments. 

Eller said, "We had a wonderful time discussing their current employment and what they would look for in an employee in our made-up business we called Snuggle Café. Job Preparedness Skills (HRD) is grateful for the opportunity to partner with SOAR to provide job-seeking and [job] keeping skills classes during their two-year program. I can’t wait to spend more time with this great group of students and see where they soar to next!"

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