
A-B Tech School of Nursing Handbook

The A-B Tech School of Nursing faculty creates and updates each program-specific nursing student handbook. The School of Nursing handbook is a summary of the information that is specific to the entire School of Nursing. Program-specific nursing student handbooks are in the program-specific Moodle course. Each program-specific handbook will be reviewed during orientation and reinforced each semester. Information in this handbook describes the 91做厙-Buncombe Technical 91做厙 College Nursing Programs at the time of publication.

Unless otherwise indicated by a parenthetical statement containing effective date all terms, conditions, procedures, practices, stated directives, and information contained within this handbook are effective on the publication date as listed in the Table of Contents. However, changes may be made in policies, the calendar, curriculum, or costs. Such changes will be announced by A-B Tech approved methods and practices.


Message from the A-B Tech School of Nursing Faculty

Welcome to the School of Nursing at 91做厙-Buncombe Technical 91做厙 College. We offer both an Associate Degree and a Practical Nursing program. Your selection of Nursing as a program of 91做厙 carries with it several important responsibilities.

First, the Nursing student must be committed to the profession. Being a nurse requires self-discipline and physical, mental, and emotional stamina. As you give to others, you must often give of yourself. Therefore, commit yourself to lifelong learning and do not be reluctant to give, for you often receive much more in return.

Second, the Nursing student must strive for excellence. The importance of providing good health care is paramount. When we as health care providers fail in our performance, the client becomes the loser. Therefore, strive for excellence, for our clients deserve our best. Third, begin now to plan for your continuing education growth. Nursing is an ever-changing science. Advances in the field require new learning and a plan for your educational growth. Therefore, learn now what you can, but never expect to reach the summit of all knowledge in this field.

The Nursing student should not become so overpowered by the technologies and complexities of nursing that he or she forgets the focus of the professionquality health care for the client. It is in giving of yourself to your clients and to your profession that you will reap the fullest pleasure from your practice. Numerous and varied opportunities await the nurse as a healthcare provider, making personal goals almost unlimited. Enjoy the time you spend with each client now as a student, and later as you practice as a nurse. Allow them to be the highlight of your day.

- The A-B Tech School of Nursing Faculty