
Moodle Help

Moodle Help for students and faculty is located in the center of your and on the left "Quick Links" menu found in every course.

What's my username and password?

Use your A-B Tech username and password to log into Moodle. These are the same credentials that you use to log into Self-Service, your email account, lab computers, and more.

In most cases, your username is your first name, middle initial, and last name (all lowercase with no spaces or punctuation). If you have still have problems, contact the HelpDesk at helpdesk@abtech.edu.

You should if you have not already done so..

I can't login!

If your password is still the initial password, you will need to change it before you can access Moodle. Please visit the Password Reset page to get started.

If you are not sure of your password (or if you may have changed and forgotten your password), and if you have already enrolled at Microsoft 365® (please visit the Password Reset page for information about enrolling), you can reset your password using the site. If that does not work, contact the A-B Tech Help Desk to reset your password. The Help Desk can be reached via email at helpdesk@abtech.edu or telephone at (828) 398-7550. Please include your full name, student ID, and the course name, number, and section of one of the courses you are taking.

I can log in but my courses aren't there!

You will not be able to access your new classes in Moodle until the published start date of the course. Important: if you log in and cannot find one or more of your courses, this may be because:

  1. You logged in before the first day of the semester.
  2. The course is a "late-start" course (these courses usually begin the second week of the semester).
  3. The course is a mini-mester course that begins in the second half of the semester.
  4. Your registration has not yet been recorded in Moodle. Moodle course listings are updated twice daily during the "add" period.
  5. There is a problem with your registration. Please call the Information Center at (828) 398-7900.

When I log in I see courses from previous semesters!

Contact the course instructor and request that the course be set to Unavailable. If the course needs to remain temporarily available, for example, if students are still working on Incomplete grades, your instructor will make it unavailable as soon as possible.

I can log in, but I'm having a problem in my course!

If you need help that is related to your course (for example understanding or submitting your assignments, taking a quiz or exam, or using the discussion forum), check the page or contact your instructor if you need additional help.

If you need general help using Moodle, first check the page. If that does not solve your problem, contact the A-B Tech Help Desk at helpdesk@abtech.edu or (828) 398-7550.